
阿卜苏舞 & Theatre professor awarded grant by Tennessee Arts Commission Individual Artist Fellowship in Dance for inspiring choreography

By: 佐伊霍夫曼 2023年9月22日


Ebone阿摩司, an assistant professor for the Department of 戏剧和舞蹈, recently won a grant from the Tennessee Arts Commission Individual Artist Fellowship in Choreography: Dance for her unique and inspirational choreography.


After applying for the fellowship three times, 阿摩司 was finally chosen thanks to her hard work and dedication to the project.

The Individual Artist Fellowship grant recognizes artists within several performing 艺术领域。. 阿摩司 received a grant in the dance category for her outstanding choreography in a group piece inspired by the women in her family.

This grant has brought 阿摩司 closer to the financial assistance she needs to fully realize this important body of work.

“This fellowship is inspiring in the sense that I am able to pay other artists in the collaborative process,” she said. “It also brings me closer to being able to fully 实现并执行工作. I am very, very excited because I think it is a work that is necessary and would be a great contribution to the field.”

The choreography in the piece (在这个视频中) showcases 阿摩司’s unique style of dance, which incorporates elements of non-linear 叙述.

“In my work, I use live text, recorded music and sometimes recorded text to weave the elements together,” 阿摩司 said. “I believe that has become a signature of mine 在过去的几年里.”

Throughout the choreography, 阿摩司 aims to share the 爱 she feels toward the women who have impacted her life and to represent the freedom she has found within their 爱. 阿摩司 portrays the path these women have helped forge for her and how their legacy will allow her to construct her own.

“In a society that doesn’t always acknowledge, honor and appreciate the contributions of women and womanhood, especially Black womanhood, I found this piece to be a perfect opportunity to explore the women in my family who mean so much to me,” 阿摩司 said.

While choreographing the piece, 阿摩司 had those women in mind, something she hopes the community will be inspired to do upon seeing the dance.

“My mother, my grandmothers and both of my great-grandmothers who are no longer with us [inspired this piece],” she said. “I reflected on stories I was told about them and what they taught me while they were here. I hope it inspires the community to 和他们爱的人谈谈. As we live and breathe, we also archive. 我们的身体 onto the lessons, the dances, the rituals, the teachings, the recipes … that have been passed down to us from our families.”

阿摩司 plans to use the grant to continue working on a solo piece titled “Girl, Gurrl, GWORL: iterations of freedom,” which premiered at the Oz Arts Brave New Works Lab.  

“I eventually want the piece to expand to an evening-length work,” 阿摩司 said. ” that said, I have to pay musicians and collaborators to make that happen, so I am very grateful for the fellowship.”

11月. 4, 阿摩司 will premiere a new dance piece in collaboration with the Frist Art Museum that coincides with their exhibit “Multiplicity: Blackness in Contemporary 拼贴画.”

9月开放. 15, the “Multiplicity: Blackness in Contemporary 拼贴画” exhibit aims to reflect the breadth and complexity of Black culture through artists who specialize in collage and collage-informed works.

阿摩司 will use this opportunity to incorporate 365bet students from the Department of 戏剧和舞蹈. The piece will include jazz, soul and funk music from the 1960s 和70年代.

“This collaboration directly aligns with the way I approach teaching African American Studies: through the lens of visual and performing arts,” 阿摩司 said. “我在找。 forward to giving my students the opportunity to work professionally in hopes of creating connections for future collaborations.”


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